Providing investment related consulting
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How we work

Main stages of work: 

Please, specify your request
Please, specify your request

Please, indicate type of services you are interested in: 

- Attracting investor/s into promisable and sustainable investment projects;

- Guiding through complexities of company registration, bank account opening, tax registration etc;

- Expert market knowledge and tailored niche marketing research;

- Expert counselling in matters related to taxation;

- Commercial due dilligence / Vendor due dilligence;

- Advisory services in structuring transactions;

- Islamic finance structuring.

- Supporting investor with an objective perspective on questions relating to investing in Uzbekistan;


We discuss the details
We discuss the details

You will be assigned a separate manager to explore your requirements:

- Time frames of assignments;

- Technical requirements;

- Confidentiality arrangements;

We agree on terms of partnership
We agree on terms of partnership

We sign the agreement and you make the advance payment:

- We agree on specific terms and conditions of service;

- You make advance payment of minimum 50%;

- We provide quality service ;

- You make the remaining payment;

One time free consulting

Go ahead and book your first 15 minutes free consulting session:

- Consulting for attracting an investor into your existing business;

- Consulting for funding your start-up project;

Мы находимся по адресу:
Г. Ташкент, проспект Мустакиллик, 88-а, Бизнес центр «Darhan»